Redefine your destiny, cash in on collectibles with the Rare-Profits Masterclass.

Kickstart your entrepreneurial journey with Rare-Profits.com, your premier launchpad for building a kick-ass e-commerce and live selling brand in the electrifying universe of collectibles - we're talking sports cards, toys, and everything in between. Our one-of-a-kind strategy is designed with one goal in mind: to catapult you into launching a wildly profitable venture, shooting for 6, 7, hell, even 8-figure earnings, no matter your budget, marketing savvy, or skill level.

We're harnessing the power of live streaming, bulletproof systems, and procedures, coupled with insider guidance on crafting your own profit-packing repacks. This arms you with the tools to start raking in serious dough from day one. Enroll in our masterclass at Rare-Profits today, and transform your passion for collectibles into a cash-generating journey.

Age? Just a number. Whether you're a Gen Z tech whiz or a millennial primed to dive into this profit-rich niche, we're in your corner, ready to help you hit it big in the collectibles market. Join us now, and seize this goldmine opportunity.

Have the Guts to Be Extraordinary!

Kickstart Your Day into High Gear!

Get ready to tap into the booming collectibles industry and catapult your e-commerce business into the stratosphere with the Rare Profits Masterclass. Whether you're into sports cards, toys, funkos, comics, sneakers, video games - you name it, the opportunities are as boundless as they are lucrative.

However, many budding collectors and sellers find themselves lost in this expansive terrain, going it alone and uncertain of how to kickstart or level up their business. Often, they find themselves falling behind in an industry that waits for no one.

Enter Rare Profits Masterclass. This isn't just a program; it's your all-access pass to the goldmine that is the world of collectibles. We're talking step-by-step guidance, sharing secret sauce strategies I've spent years perfecting. With my one-on-one mentorship, you'll be on the fast track to building your own empire in the collectibles industry, with the potential to pull in 6, 7, or hell, even 8 figures in your first year alone.

I live and breathe the collectibles industry, and my mission is to fuel the next wave of entrepreneurs - that's YOU - to achieve your dreams and make a serious splash in this exhilarating industry. We've got limited seats for the inaugural Masterclass, and 80% of them are already snapped up. I've also got some sweet bonuses for those who get in early. So, don't sleep on this one-of-a-kind opportunity to be among my first 20 proteges!

I can't wait to see you in the Rare Profits Masterclass - your rocket ship to enduring success in the collectibles market. Get on board now and begin your journey to phenomenal success! This is tailor-made for Entrepreneurs ready to surf the big wave of this thriving industry. Let's do this!

Discover the tools and strategies that drive success in the collectibles industry. Join a vibrant network, learn from industry experts, and realize your personal and professional growth. Turn your investment into significant returns with our comprehensive program.

Unleash Your Potential with Rare Profits Masterclass: Where Profit Meets Passion

The Rare Profits Masterclass is your key. Built to arm go-getters like you with the tools, resources, and insights to hit both personal and financial targets out of the park. This ain't your run-of-the-mill program; it's an ROI powerhouse set to offer you a hell of a lot more than you put in.

As part of the Masterclass, you get a golden ticket into a network of like-minded, ambitious hustlers who are just as hungry for success as you are. This is a priceless platform for anyone ready to launch or scale their business because the networking potential is off the charts. Building strong relationships and gaining nuggets of wisdom - that's what it's all about.

But don't get it twisted, the Masterclass is about more than just the dollar signs. It's a 360-degree growth program, sharpening both your personal and professional skills. Our ongoing support gives you front-row access to industry hotshots across various fields. They'll dish out killer advice and proven strategies, touching on everything from marketing and brand building to live streaming, creating repacks and mystery bags, and scoring partnerships with live stream platforms - the whole nine yards.

Our students don't just vouch for the Masterclass, they rave about it. Many have said that just one strategy they picked up paid for the entire course. That's a testament to the power of this Masterclass and the solid ROI it delivers. Ready to kickstart your journey to success? Get onboard the Rare Profits Masterclass.

And, of course, we're doing all of this in the international language of hustle: English. Let's get to it!

Meet your Rare Profits Mentor...


Hey there, I'm Philly Nicks, a battle-hardened entrepreneur who's crushed it in the exciting world of collectibles. Over the past 20 years, I've been knee-deep in e-commerce and collectibles, building an empire that spans from sports cards to funkos and comics.

Before I stepped into the world of entrepreneurship over two decades ago, I was just a guy vacuuming cars at a car wash. I struggled to hold down a job, was constantly bullied, and never really stood up for myself. But then I made one of the best decisions of my life: I took responsibility for my own journey. I threw myself into books, sought out mentors, and shaped my own destiny. And now, I'm here to be that mentor for you!

I started off from the ground, slinging Rich Life T-shirts from the trunk of my car and duffel bags to local joints. But guess what? That small-time hustle sparked an entrepreneurial fire inside me that's led me to build multiple successful ventures in the collectibles space. And through all this, I've taken rookie entrepreneurs under my wing, showing them the ropes of this exhilarating market.

Now, I'm about to give you the real deal, the whole playbook. I'm gonna teach you everything I've busted my ass to learn in this game. It's not about the size of your stream - you got five viewers? I'll show you how to turn that into cash. The guys at the top aren't telling you this stuff, but I'm at a point in my life where I care more about helping others level up than just getting by.

I'll be giving you the full toolkit: systems and procedures, how to rake it in with live streaming, e-commerce, sms marketing, email marketing - the works. Weekly live zoom calls, guest mentors every month, and a pre-recorded course that you can revisit anytime you hit a roadblock. I'll be there every step, grinding with you.

But my grind doesn't just stop at making money. I've worked with big names like Ty Dolla Sign, LeBron James, The Game, Sean Kingston, Tyga, and I'm the first sports card breaker to step foot and break in the So-Fi Stadium.

Through my work, I've inspired a generation of budding entrepreneurs worldwide. My journey is living proof that when you combine hard work, determination, passion, and unwavering dedication, the sky's the limit. Now, I'm inviting you to join me in this journey. Let's transform your dreams into your reality. Let's hustle, let's grind, let's win together.



Discover the unique opportunity of a lifetime with our masterclass, Rare Profits! This course isn't just your average learning journey; it's a revolutionary life transformation platform. Ever been curious about the secret behind making a substantial profit from selling collectibles? Now's your golden opportunity! With Rare Profits, you can arm yourself with the essential knowledge to overhaul your business and reshape your life. Take this crucial step towards success by signing up today. Unearth the treasure trove of opportunities lying in the world of collectibles and watch your life change forever.



  • Life Changing Weekly mentorship

  • Make Millions Selling Collectibles Course

  • Workbooks, Manuals and System + Procedures Kit



  • Everything in Silver

  • Save $200 joining Yearly

  • Membership pricing on Live events and networking opportunities



  • Everything in Gold

  • 30 Minute call with Philly for 1-on-1 mentorship

  • Private invite only Networking Dinner



Hey there, hustlers! I'm inviting you to join Rare Profits, a masterclass that's going to flip your world upside down. This isn't just another course; this is a life-altering, business-transforming gold mine.

Ever sat there scratching your head, wondering how some people are banking serious dough from selling collectibles? Well, stop wondering. Your time is NOW.

It's time to get the right info, the insider knowledge that will completely revolutionize your business and your life. I'm talking about game-changing knowledge that will skyrocket your success in the collectibles industry.

With Rare Profits, you're not just buying into a course. You're investing in a brighter, more successful future. You're taking control of your life, setting the pace, and charging head-first into an industry brimming with opportunity.

So, are you ready to stop dreaming and start doing? Ready to stop asking 'how?' and start saying 'now?' Buckle up, because with Rare Profits, we're about to take you on a ride that will leave your old life in the dust. Let's get it!


$15,000 VALUE

The Rare Profits Masterclass delivers two live group mentorship sessions every Monday and Thursday. These interactive, dynamic meet-ups, happening twice a week, will serve as crucial catalysts for your growth. They'll equip you with actionable systems and strategies, helping you maintain consistent progress and scale effectively in your collectibles business. Let's turn your ambition into achievement, together!


$4,500 VALUE

Ignite your journey to success with our proven formula encapsulated within this 12-module Masterclass. With a world-class curriculum designed to amplify your growth, this course will guide you from small-scale collecting and selling of collectibles to truly mastering and dominating the industry. Let's accelerate your potential and turn that passion into a lucrative empire!


$3,000 VALUE

Marketing is the engine that drives business growth, and we're ready to show you how to supercharge yours. In our masterclass, you'll learn to leverage a brick-and-mortar setup not as a primary income generator, but as a self-sustaining, potent marketing tool. With the right systems in place, your physical store can serve as an effective customer touchpoint, amplifying your brand's reach and impact. Get ready to unlock a new dimension in your collectibles business!


$8,000 VALUE

Every live session we conduct is recorded, giving you unrestricted access to a wealth of information at your convenience. Replay these sessions, absorb the insights, and apply them at your own pace. The more knowledge you harness and implement, the more it benefits your business and life. Your success is tied to your ability to learn and execute, and with this resource at your fingertips, you're well-equipped to maximize your profit potential. Embrace the opportunity and transform your collectibles journey!


$20,000 VALUE

I'm bringing together an elite group of industry rockstars to share their tried-and-true tactics. Many of these experts typically charge thousands for a single hour of their time. But here's the deal: I've got that covered. As a special bonus for joining our masterclass, you'll gain access to their invaluable insights every month, without shelling out an extra dime. This is your golden ticket to learn from the best, boost your knowledge, and fuel your success in the collectibles industry! Let's rock this together!


I'm stoked to welcome you to our exclusive app, reserved only for the Rare Profits community. This is a power-packed platform designed for go-getters like you, individuals with grand dreams and the determination to achieve them.

Within this community, you'll have opportunities to network, share your wins, ask questions, and learn from others on a similar journey. It's an environment where like-minded entrepreneurs come together to accelerate each other's success.

I've always believed that success breeds success. By immersing yourself in a community of motivated individuals, you're positioning yourself to crush your goals faster and more effectively.

I can't wait to meet you inside our vibrant community and witness the extraordinary milestones you're destined to achieve. Let's make amazing things happen together!


$10,000 VALUE

Building a successful business isn't about grinding yourself down with 100-hour workweeks. It's about putting the right systems and procedures in place, assembling a top-notch team, and scaling strategically. This is the secret sauce for sustainable, long-term growth.

In the Rare Profits Masterclass, I'll guide you through the entire process of creating efficient systems, delegating tasks, and nurturing a team that shares your vision. With this solid foundation, your business can flourish, while also granting you the freedom to live your life beyond the confines of your work.

It's all about achieving the perfect balance, and I'm here to show you how to make it happen. Let's grow your business and enrich your life together!


$3,000 VALUE

I've crafted a blueprint for success - one that I've built upon and enhanced over the years - encapsulated within an invaluable workbook. This resource is the culmination of my experiences, learnings, and refined strategies. Now, I'm going to pass this torch to you. This exclusive workbook is your guide to navigating the world of collectibles, providing you with the insights and tactics you need to excel. Your journey to success starts here!


As a member of the Rare Profits community, you're not just signing up for a masterclass - you're joining a family. One that prioritizes your success, celebrates your wins, and fuels your growth. And part of this means exclusive perks. You'll enjoy member-only pricing and special invitations to events, dinners, masterminds, and much more.

The key to success? Surrounding yourself with the right crowd. Being part of our community means immersing yourself in an ecosystem of like-minded individuals, all with a common goal: success. So, say goodbye to the naysayers and the anchors, and welcome to a circle where we lift each other up. Your success is our success, and together, we'll conquer.

© 2023 Philly Nicks LLC - All Rights Reserved, Please note that this platform has no affiliation with Facebook's website or Facebook Inc. Furthermore, there is no endorsement or approval of this site by Facebook in any form. "FACEBOOK" is a registered trademark owned by FACEBOOK, Inc.


(909) 552-7037

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures mentioned earlier represent my own individual achievements. It's essential to recognize that these outcomes are not typical and are not intended to suggest that they will be replicated by you, or indeed any action is guaranteed on your part. My extensive 20-year experience in direct response marketing, live sales, system and procedures, e-commerce and advertising has benefitted me, in addition to an established audience that I've developed. These figures are cited purely as illustrations. Your actual results will differ considerably based on a multitude of factors, including but not confined to your background, experience, and work ethic. Running a business always involves risk as well as sustained and concerted effort and action. While I can provide insights into what worked for me, the onus of generating similar results rests entirely with you, and the reality is, not everyone can replicate this success.